Profiles of the Future: Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd ) 2000 | vanaraamat. ee
Alates 11. märtsist saab poodi tellitud pakke kätte endiselt tööajal E-R 10-18.00 ja L 10-16.00. Kaupluse ukse tagant helista tel. 734 1901. Pakiga posti teel saatmine toimib tavapäraselt.

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Teema: Raamatud teaduslikel teemadel
Pealkiri: Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible

Kirjastus: Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd )
Aasta: 2000
ISBN: ISBN-10: 0575402776 ISBN-13: 9780575402775
Lehekülgi: 256

Seisukord: kaaned pisut kulunud, sisu korras

Mõõdud: 197x130x15 mm
Suurus: tavaformaadis, pehmete kaantega

This book originally appeared in 1962, and was based on essays written during the period 1959 - 1961. Since it was concerned with ultimate possibilities, and not with achievements to be expected in the near future, even the remarkable events of the last decade have dated it very little. But Arthur Clarke has gone over the book making corrections and comments where necessary in order to bring it right up-to-date. The author, amongst many fascinating excursions into what the future may hold, discusses the fourth dimension and the obsolescence of the law of gravity, the exploration of the entire solar system and the colonisation of some of it; seas will mined for energy and minerals, and asteroids will be pulled to Earth to supply needed materials; men, already bigger than they need be, may be bred smaller to be more efficient on less food.

Inglisekeelne raamat.

tehnoloogia areng

Hind: - Hetkel on otsas*

*Jäta enda märge ootenimekirja, siis saame sulle eelisjärjekorras saata teavituse kui raamat on jälle saadaval.

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Raamatud teaduslikel teemadel all on 559 raamatut. Klõpsa siia, et näha täielikku loendit!
Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd ) 2000 |
Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd ) 2000 |
Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd ) 2000 |
Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd ) 2000 |
Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd ) 2000 |
Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible, Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd ) 2000 |

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