Teema: Kriminaal- ja põnevusromaanid
Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports (Maximum Ride #3)Autor(id): James Patterson
Kirjastus: Headline
Aasta: 2005
ISBN: 075534412X (ISBN13: 9780755344123)
Lehekülgi: 448
Sari: Maximum Ride 3
Seisukord: korralik raamat
Suurus: taskuformaadis, pehmete kaantega
The exhilarating third novel in James Patterson's exciting adventure series for 9-15 year olds.
You're about to join the adventures of Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel, six extraordinary kids who have powers like no other: they can fly, and they're being chased--no, hunted--across America and around the world. THIS IS THE END, MY FRIENDS. But I promise that you'll fly higher than ever before in this wild adventure, witness battles worthy of multiplex movie screens, and laugh until your sides hurt. Believe it or not, there's even a little romance. But all good things - and even terrible, unspeakable ones - must come to an end. This is that moment in time, I'm afraid. Either we save the world, or we crash and burn. And I mean all of us - even you, faithful reader, because you play a very big part in this story. Max The Flock needs your help. Yes, you. Join us at www.maximumride.com.
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