Three Suitcases and a Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Three Suitcases and a Three-Year-Old, Ann Mihkelson, Kangaroo Press 1999 | vanaraamat. ee
Alates 11. märtsist saab poodi tellitud pakke kätte endiselt tööajal E-R 10-18.00 ja L 10-16.00. Kaupluse ukse tagant helista tel. 734 1901. Pakiga posti teel saatmine toimib tavapäraselt.

Ostukorv on tühi

Teema: Elulood, memuaarid
Pealkiri: Three Suitcases and a Three-Year-Old
Autor(id): Ann Mihkelson

Kirjastus: Kangaroo Press
Linn: East Roseville
Aasta: 1999
ISBN: 0864179979
Lehekülgi: 240

Seisukord: kaaned pisut kulunud, kirje sees, sisu korras
Suurus: tavaformaadist pisut suuremas formaadis, pehmes köites


'Three Suitcases and a Three Year Old' is an optimistic account of how, out of tragedy, identity can be recalimed. It is one woman's story of emotion and love, a scientist's story of observation and analysis, and a storyof how anyone can find their way home at the most unexpected times and to places that may have only existed in the imagination and the heart. Ann Mihkelson's parent's fled their homeland of Estonia at the end of the Second World War, just days before the Soviets made any escape impossible. Ann, their only child, was born in Sweden. When she was three, the family left for Australia and a life far from Estonia and the past. An Australian childhood spent in tropical and outback Queensland in the 1950s, and in Sydney in the 1960s was set against her parents' tales of the country they left behind. Ann Mihkelson's heritage slipped into the background as she pursued a successful career in science and education until death took away her loved ones. including, unexpectedly, her husband. Struck by grief, alone, and with the connections of the past slipping away, Ann searched for her roots. Seeking answers, she visited her parents' homeland and relatives for the first time. There she came to understand their story, and through it, her own.

Mihkelson, Ann, 1945-
rahvuslik identiteet
etniline ajalugu
20. saj. 2. pool

Hind: 10,00 EUR
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Madis Kõiv, Rännuaastad,
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Ida Inn, Kriminaalpolitseinik Ida Inn ja tema saatusekaaslased,
Umara, 2000, hind: 16,50 eurot

Koostanud: Jan Erik Vold, Ruth Maieri päevikud. Juudi põgenik Norras,
Tänapäev, 2010, hind: 11,50 eurot

Ene Ergma, Lea Arme, Kosmosemutt,
Tammerraamat, 2016, hind: 14,00 eurot

Eduard Ševardnadze, Kui raudne eesriie rebenes,
Olion, 2009, hind: 7,00 eurot

Ken Wilber, Arm ja meelekindlus. Vaimsuse ja tervenemispüüdlused Treya Killam Wilberi elus ning tema surm,
Pilgrim, 2007, hind: 15,00 eurot

Tiit Kändler, Endel Lippmaa. Mees parima ninaga. Dokumentaalne teadusromaan,
Ajakirjade Kirjastus, 2012, hind: 17,00 eurot

Paavo Kangur, Gennadi Podelski. Pagulane Lootuse tänavast ehk enne Jaak Joalat,
Postimees Grupp, 2016, hind: 20,00 eurot

Howard Sounes, Charles Bukowski. Pöörase elu rüpes,
Tänapäev, 2003, hind: 37,00 eurot

Ülo Ugaste, Ühe klassi elulugu. Mälestuskilde minu koolist,
Canopus, 2007, hind: 6,00 eurot

Elulood, memuaarid all on 4169 raamatut. Klõpsa siia, et näha täielikku loendit!
Three Suitcases and a Three-Year-Old, Ann Mihkelson, Kangaroo Press 1999 |
Three Suitcases and a Three-Year-Old, Ann Mihkelson, Kangaroo Press 1999 |
Three Suitcases and a Three-Year-Old, Ann Mihkelson, Kangaroo Press 1999 |
Three Suitcases and a Three-Year-Old, Ann Mihkelson, Kangaroo Press 1999 |
Three Suitcases and a Three-Year-Old, Ann Mihkelson, Kangaroo Press 1999 |
Three Suitcases and a Three-Year-Old, Ann Mihkelson, Kangaroo Press 1999 |

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