Assholes: A Theory of Klõpsa siia , et näha täielikku loendit! Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump, Aaron James, Doubleday Books 2016 | vanaraamat. ee
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Ostukorv on tühi

Teema: Elulood, memuaarid
Pealkiri: Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump
Autor(id): Aaron James

Kirjastus: Doubleday Books
Aasta: 2016
ISBN: 0385542038 (ISBN13: 9780385542036)
Lehekülgi: 144

Seisukord: korralik raamat
Suurus: taskuformaadis, kõvade kaantega


That Donald Trump is an asshole is a fact widely agreed upon even by his supporters, who actually like that about him. But his startling political rise makes the question of just what sort of asshole he is, and how his assholedom may help to explain his success, one not just of philosophical interest but of almost existential urgency.
Enter the philosopher Aaron James, author of the foundational text in the burgeoning field of Asshole Studies: the bestselling "Assholes: A Theory." In this brisk and trenchant inquiry into the phenomenon that is Donald Trump, James places the man firmly in the typology of the asshole (takes every advantage, entrenched sense of entitlement, immune to criticism); considers whether, in the Hobbesian world we seem to inhabit, he might not somehow be a force for good i.e., the Stronger Asshole; and offers a suggestion for how the bonds of our social contract, spectacularly broken by Trump s (and Ted Cruz s) disdain for democratic civility, might in time be repaired.
You will never think about Donald Trump the same way after reading this book. And, like it or not, think about him we must."

Hind: 5,00 EUR
Teema In english alla viimati lisatud:

Chris Heath, Feel. Robbie Williams,
Ebury Press, hind: 6,00 eurot

At the End of the World,
Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus, 2005, hind: 9,00 eurot

Asta Kass, All kinds of things,
Perioodika, 1986, hind: 8,00 eurot

Einar Sanden, The painter from Naissaar,
Boreas Publishing House, 1985, hind: 14,00 eurot

Koostanud Ülo Tedre, Estonian Customs And Traditions,
Perioodika, 1995, hind: 6,50 eurot

Raimo Pullat, Brief History of Tallinn,
Estopol, 2000, hind: 7,00 eurot

Ellen Niit, Otts Adventures in Space,
Perioodika, 1982, hind: 6,00 eurot

Vanessa Diffenbaugh, The Language of Flowers,
Macmillan, 2011, hind: 15,00 eurot

Ignar Fjuk, Ülo Kaevats, Estonia. Free & independent,
1994, hind: 9,00 eurot

Richard Kron, The Little Londoner. A Concise Account of the Life and Ways of the English with Special Reference to London,
Ettlingen (Baden), J. Bielefelds Verlag, 1929, hind: 3,00 eurot

In english all on 254 raamatut. Klõpsa siia, et näha täielikku loendit!
Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump, Aaron James, Doubleday Books 2016 |
Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump, Aaron James, Doubleday Books 2016 |
Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump, Aaron James, Doubleday Books 2016 |
Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump, Aaron James, Doubleday Books 2016 |
Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump, Aaron James, Doubleday Books 2016 |
Assholes: A Theory of Donald Trump, Aaron James, Doubleday Books 2016 |

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